Companies aren’t allowed to charge more for using me. Going directly to carriers’…you’ll lose my services.
Can I get a cheaper premium if I deal directly with the carrier?
One question I get asked a lot, when I’m interacting with folks is: Bud, how do you get paid?
But an underlying question, that doesn’t get addressed, they’re not asking because they probably don’t want to be rude is: Can I get a cheaper premium if I deal directly with the carrier? And the answer to that question is no!
Again, companies are not allowed to charge people more for using the services of a broker. Remember, whenever you deal directly with a carrier, you’ll lose my services.
Local advocate
My main job is being a local advocate for my friends and policyholders. In other words, I’ll go to bat for you, when things like claims or utilization issues come up.
Beware, if you deal directly with an issuing company, your monthly premium will be exactly the same. But, you will miss enjoying my advocacy services.
Learn what insurance companies never tell you!
I hope this helps. Read more, give us a call at (806) 350-7380 or book a friendly chat now. Thanks!