How our services work!

I partner with many highly rated carriers that offer Medicare products in the high-plains area but, I remain independent. Meaning, I’m not employed by any specific company. This allows me to act “only in your best interest” as your advocate. Our process usually starts with a brief discovery interview to confirm you’re new to Medicare or, see how you’re taking care of Medicare cost-shares now.
Once we determine I can help, we’ll briefly go over all your options and identify the ideal plan for you going forward. Next, we’ll shop our top-carriers and find the most competitive rate for “Your Chosen Plan”. Then, whenever you’re ready, I’ll walk you through the application.
There are a few things to be aware of:
First, all Medigap policies are standardized by Medicare. So, it really doesn’t matter which carriers’ plan you choose.
- As long as, while you’re shopping, you’re comparing plans with the same letter notation.
For example, Plan F to Plan F, Plan G to Plan G, and so on.
The respective plan benefits are identical.
- It make no difference, to your doctor or hospital, which company issues your Medicare Supplement Plan -because, providers understand the issuing carrier has nothing to do with plan benefits.
- Private Insurers’ can only issue Standardized Medicare Supplement Plans.
Bye the way, with Medicare Supplement there are no network restrictions.
This is something widely misunderstood, due mostly to confusion caused by Medicare Advantage (another way to have basic Medicare benefits administered by private companies) that do have networks.
Second, no matter which Medigap policy you choose, monthly premiums will go up between 2% to 8% each year:
- Due to each company’s operating expenses, and an increase in perceived risk that’s expected as we get older.
Third, and more important to you, whenever we receive notice from any of our partner carriers of premium increases, we’re here to make sure you know how it’s going to affect you.
These are just a few of the things we do for our clients -and our services are always FREE. If you have any questions and feel we can help, give us a call (806) 350-7380 – I’ll be delighted to hear from you.
I hope you found this information helpful – Thanks for your time.