With all the choices out-there for healthcare coverage, it’s important to understand how each one works. Here’s a brief look at how supplements differ from other coverage including Medicare Advantage Plans.
Financial Security — Medigap policies can provide you with additional protection against catastrophic health care bills.
Predictability — Standardized coverage helps you budget out-of-pocket costs more predictably.
Choice — Most policies cover any provider that will take Medicare patients, even across state lines. Plus, no referral are needed to see specialists.
Reliability — Any changes in benefits automatically adjust from one year to the next. What’s more, policies are guaranteed renewable.
Equally as important, you as a Medigap policyholder will take comfort in not receiving any bills from providers or suppliers and not having to fill-out claim forms.
Attestation: This information has not been reviewed or endorsed by the federal Medicare program. This website is a non-governmental resource for people wanting general information, articulated in a simple and straightforward way. Provided by Bud Griffin, independently licensed in Texas.
Disclaimer: Medicare supplement policies are standardized, but not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.